We organise various training courses for our clients

We support our clients by providing the best possible service, which includes our free training courses. Learn more about our software’s potential and how to use it for maximum benefit.

If you have any questions or wish to schedule a training course please do not hesitate to contact mako@hrm-systems.ch





Martina Keller, Head Operations Accident & Health Insurance
«Thanks to HRM Systems we can count on a reliable and competent partner and are able to provide our clients with customised daily sickness allowance insurance.»
Corinne Castell, Payroll Team leader, Amstein + Walthert Holding AG
«Over the last 20 years, I have been fortunate enough to implement UKA Solutions at several companies. UKA Solutions’ processing is very customer- as well as user-friendly, and the HRM employees offer great professional support throughout.»
Daniel Bachman, Head of Account Manager Corporate Business, Helsana Insurance
«HRM Systems provides a sophisticated software to process daily sickness allowance insurance claims efficiently in a digital format.»
Miriam Amatter, Stv. Leiterin Personal, Camion Transport AG
«What I love is the excellent support from HRM Systems. Rarely have I experienced such great cooperation.»

Phone: +41 52 269 17 47

Monday to Friday:
08:00 – 12:00
13:30 – 17:00
